Why I Closed my Savings Account
This post may contain affiliate links. Check out my Disclosure Policy for more information. I know this sounds crazy. Why would I ever close out my savings account at my bank, that’s just crazy talk. Even the nice man who helped me close my account looked at…
How to Stock your Classroom Library on a Budget
Ever since I can remember I have dreamed about having my own classroom someday. As I worked through my undergrad program, that dream seemed to be getting closer and closer. Just thinking about it would get me excited to finally do what I have wanted…
DIY: How to Spray Paint Plastic
One of my favorite parts about redoing my bedroom is organizing everything! However, storage bins can get pricey, especially when I can’t handle them not matching, so I can’t reuse old ones, unless they match. OCD wins again! But, I found a solution while looking…