Why You Need a Buffer When Zero Based Budgeting
This post may contain affiliate links. Check out my Disclosure Policy for more information. We hear it all the time in the personal finance field, zero based budgeting. It’s an incredibly powerful tool and I know for me, it has been the tool to help…
The Solution to Cash Management
This post may contain affiliate links. Check out my Disclosure Policy for more information. If you’re just starting out on your financial journey, you probably feel overwhelmed and frustrated by money. I know I did when I first started. I felt that I couldn’t escape…
Why You Need to Start Cash Flowing
There are so many terms when it comes to personal finance and so many ways of doing things out there. I mean with a simple search on the Internet you will find endless resources for personal finance and how to go about getting your finances…
The Most Important Lesson Budgeting Taught Me
Recently I’ve been sharing my tricks on how to save more money by making simple fixes in your daily life. It’s incredible how much the little things add up when it comes to your budget. A lot of little changes make a big change in…
Why I Use Credit Cards During my Debt Free Journey
Now, I know this probably sounds totally crazy. This girl is in massive student loan debt, $127k right now to be exact, and she’s going into more debt?! And I know, I am a Dave Ramsey follower, and I do follow the baby steps that…
Using Gift Cards to Get Through the Hard Months
When I began this debt payoff journey I was $200k in student loan debt, just starting my first year teaching, moving back home with my parents, and had no idea how I was going to manage this whole thing. I had a plan, I had…
Being Financially Prepared for the Unexpected
One of the things I always read about on personal finance blogs was to financially prepared for the unexpected. You never know when something is going to happen that’s going to rock your budget and make you frantically scramble thinking how you’re going to afford…